Inspire Love towards Good Deeds….

Earn some extra cash by creating your BuyMeACoffee page and sharing it with your audience! If they like your content, they will be more than happy to show their support!

When we know its Time to ask for help….

It’s so stressful and tiresome trying to get through life with our conversations and then being drawn back rejected and propelled in a different direction. But we are reminded that we don’t have to go through all by ourselves. Turning to God in moments like guarantees our success with a loving and passionate Guide whoContinue reading “When we know its Time to ask for help….”

Shine your Light…

Remember that you actually are a piece of a bigger light in any situation you may be. When the intention is to be the peace, friend, brother, sister helper etc in chaos, war, hostile situation, loneliness of the moment, in that way you shine a bit of your light. Be and Shine the Light myContinue reading “Shine your Light…”

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